Farm Equipment and Heavy Equipment

We are experts in conducting and assessing causes of losses and completing itemized estimates of repairs and securing an agreed upon price with AG dealer's and repair shops. We give 24 hour service, if possible.
     Commercial and Personal Auto

In most cases we are able to inspect complete property and repair estimates in a 48 hour TAT. We use computer-driven estimating systems whenever possible.

We have senior property appraiser's that conduct estimates with the latest computer-driven estimate equipment. We are capable of working with public adjusters to secure agreed repair prices.
     Marine and Cargo

We have year's of experience in conducting inland marine cargo losses and contents expertise. We will do inventory upon request - please include this in your request.

     Liability: Property and Product

We do complete property liability assignments.
       TPA: Third Party Administration

We handle all aspects of 3rd party administration

 Diminished Value

We do diminished value assessments.